Pierson Wodzynski Has Spookily Good Run Out

Pierson Wodzynski Has Spookily Good Run Out

Pierson Wodzynski Has a Spookily Good Run Out on the HCL Halloween Special

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday Halloween special stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 30th October 2023. The hand was played between Randy Pitchford & Pierson Wodzynski with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

the action began with Pierson raising it up on the button to $250 with AAce of Clubs1010 of Spadesfrom a $7,970 stack. The raise got folds from the small & big blind, Randy however in the third blind woke up with a monster. He elected to put out a min raise to $500 with KKing of SpadesKKing of Clubsoff a 11,690 stack, a play that can be seen as very strong. Pierson made the $250 call and the two of them went to the flop with $1,050 in the pot.

The flop came down 77 of Clubs44 of Hearts66 of Spadescompletely missing Pierson, Randy’s Kings were now a considerable favourite to win the hand. First to act Pitchford checked it over, which enticed Pierson to fire out a bet of $650. Randy made the quick call. Going to the Turn there was $2,350 in the middle.

A Turn of Events for Pierson

The turn produced the 99 of Diamondswhich now gave Pierson four further outs, an 8 would make her a ten high straight. Once again, Randy first to act, checked it over to his opponent. Just like before, Pierson continued the aggression, and this time she fired an even bigger bet of $2,000. Pitchford, believing his Kings to still be good, made the call. There was now $6,350 for the players to fight for.

the river revealed.. yep you guessed it, 88 of Diamondsan eight giving Pierson her straight. Randy checked it over for the third time. Pierson surprinsgly did not go for max value, putting out a bet of just $3,000. Randy snapped, and saw the bad news.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.