Pennzoil Don’s Controlled Aggression takes it Down

Pennzoil Don’s Controlled Aggression takes it Down

Pennzoil Don’s Controlled Aggression Takes the Pot Down in the WPT Cash Game at the Wynn

Check out this hand from a $100/$200 World Poker Tour cash game Stream (WPT). It was live streamed on their YouTube and Twitch channels on December 9th 2023. The hand was played between Rampage, Cody & Pennzoil Don.

The action began with Rampage ($494k) in the +1 raising it up to $600 with AAce of Diamonds77 of Hearts. In Position on the button was Don ($65k) who made the call with 55 of Hearts22 of Hearts, this was met by another call. Cody ($30k) in the big blind had been dealt KKing of Spades88 of Hearts and put in a further $400 to see the flop. Three players went to the flop with $1,900 in the middle.

The flop came down 1010 of HeartsAAce of Clubs1010 of Spades giving Rampage top pair, his opponents had no part of the board, other then Pennzoil having a backdoor flush draw. Cody and Rampage both checked it over to Don who put out a bet of $1,000. Cody attacked the player in position who at times would be betting here last to act to try and take it down. $2,700 was the bet. this got Rampage to fold the best hand, with his pair of aces. Refusing to be pushed around, Don put out a nice 3-bet off $8,000. That was enough for Pennzoil to take down the pot with some nice controlled aggression.

To see the hand play out, check out the video below.