Old-School Tony G vs New-School Rampage, Which Ace comes out on Top

Old-School Tony G vs New-School Rampage, Which Ace comes out on Top

In this hand from the Million Dollar Cash Game on Hustler Casino Live, New-School Rampage and Old-School Tony G went heads up for nearly half a million dollars!

With spreads of $500/$1k + $2k BB Ante, Tony G was UTG and looked down at A♣️K♣️ with $1.1m in his stack and raised to $4k. The +1 and the High-Jack folded and then it was Rampage in the Cut-Off. With $1m in his stack and looking down at A♥️Q♣️, he 3-bet to $15k. All remaining positions folded bar Tony G who called. Heads-up to the flop they went with the pot at $33.5k.

After hitting top pair on the flop of 5♣️A♠️8♠️, Tony G just checked to Rampage. Also with top pair, he threw in a bet of $8k. Tony G then check raised him to $30k which Rampage called. To the turn they went, with the pot at $93.5k.

The turn bricked with a 2♥️ and Tony decided to assume the role of the aggressor and fired a $50k bet. Rampage called and they went to the river with a $194k pot. 

An 8♣️ paired the board on the river and Tony G fired another bet of $105k. This was quickly called by Rampage who received the bad news, his AQ getting out kicked by Tony’s AK.

Old-School Tony G Comes out on top in this battle.
To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below on our YouTube channel.