Oh Jesse, What did you do? Bally Live Poker

Oh Jesse, What did you do? Bally Live Poker

How Different This Hand Could Have Been

Oh Jesse how different this hand could have been, had you raised the flop. And that is why we love the game of Poker. There are so many variables, so many we are not in control of or can not predict. Let’s look at this hand, where the action priced out Jesse. the hand was played between Jesse, Lynne Ji, & “L” at Bally Live Poker. The action was live-streamed on Bally Live Poker’s YouTube channel on the 14th of March 2024. The blinds were $25/$50/$100.

The action kicked off with “L” ($14,400) raising it to $125 from the +1 with KKing of Clubs44 of Clubs. On the button was Jesse ($9,000) who made the call with KKing of Spades99 of Spades. David ($16,400) also called In the small blind holding 88 of Clubs55 of Spades. Last to join the action was Lynne ($15,900) in the big blind who was holding JJoker of Spades33 of Spades. Four players went to the flop with $500 in the middle.

Jesse Flops Extremely well

The flop came down 1010 of Spades99 of Clubs44 of Spades giving Jesse a pair of Nines to accompany his spade flush draw. “L” had flopped a big of fours, whereas Lynne had flopped an inferior flush draw. Third to act “L” interestingly bet out $400 with his pair of fours. the call was made by both Lynne & Jesse, and to the turn they went with $1,300 in the pot.

What a turn it was the KKing of Hearts had now given both Jesse and “L” two pair, Lynne was now drawing to a gut-shot as well as her cursed flush. Having turned the two pair, this time there was a lot more weight between “L’s” bet, $1,200 was the asking price. Jesse made the call. With the action now on her, Lynne opted to get fancy with her draws and Jack blocker Her response was that of aggression, $6,000 was the re-raise amount. After a little thought “L”, believing his two pair to be good, moved “all in”. What a spot Jesse was faced with, Given the action in front it is understandable to see why he laid his hand down, Queen-jack was very probable. How different the hand would have been had he raised the flop with his pair and flush draw.

Lynne made the call and was a 4-1 dog to win the hand. The river was a brick and the huge $30.9k pot went to “L”.

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