No Top Grades For “Double A” at Bally Live

No Top Grades For “Double A” at Bally Live

Double A was not Top of The Class after This hand

Let’s delve into this hand that was played at Bally Live Poker. The action was live-streamed on Bally Live Poker’s YouTube channel on the 4th April 2024. The blinds were $50/$100 + $100 big blind ante.

The action began under the gun from Sergio Aido ($22.6k) who raised it up to $300 with suited connectors 99 of Clubs88 of Clubs. Double A ($39.3k) in position on the button, opted to play his weak Ace AAce of Diamonds99 of Hearts aggressively by 3-betting it to $1k. the rest of the table folded, except Sergio who put in a further $700 to see the flop.

The flop came down 99 of Spades55 of Diamonds44 of Diamonds giving both players top pair, Double A was a considerable favorite to win the hand with the superior kicker. Sergio first to act checked it over to his opponent, who responded by putting out a bet of $1,000. The bet was matched and the pair went to the turn with $4.3k in the middle.

Sergio Takes the Lead on the Turn

what a turn it was, after the 88 of Spades was turned over Sergio picked up two pairs. Rather than check back on a board that was getting wetter by the minute, Double A once again bet into his opponent. This time with a large pot bet of $4.3k. On such a draw-heavy board Sergio had no plans to slow-play his two pair. His move was to move “all in”. What a pickle double A now found him in, his opponent could have had so many hands, so many draws. After quite some thought he made the optimistic call and saw the bad news when his opponent turned over Nine-Eight for top two. There was no lucky river and the huge $45.5k went to Sergio Aido.

check out the video below to see the hand and to watch the rest of the stream.

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