No Fear Poker From Carmen During Maximum Pain

No Fear Poker From Carmen During Maximum Pain

Those Who Dare Wins? Maximum Pain Monday

Earlier in the night Nick Vertucci had the better of Sashimi, This time around will he come out on top against Carmen? The hand occurred around 3.5 hours into Monday the 15th’s Maximum Pain stream at  Hustler Casino Live. The game featured blinds of $10/$20/$40 and was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel.

There is no need to adjust your TV, DQ ($28,970) did indeed limp into the hand with Seven-Deuce offsuit 77 of Clubs22 of Spades. The players were playing the Deuce-Seven game, if a player wins the hand with the worst starting hand in poker, they win a $100 side bet from each player.

On the Button, Nick Vertucci ($24,370) upped the ante with a raise to $500 with pocket Tens 1010 of Diamonds1010 of Clubs. In the small blind Carmen ($14,460) had been dealt a pocket pair as well, two black snowmen 88 of Spades88 of Clubs. She made the call, as for DQ, well, he really wanted to win the side bet. He responded with a large 3-bet to $2,500. Both opponents called, going to the river there was $7,740 in play.

The Tale Of Passiveness Vs Aggression

Second to act DQ surprisingly checked on a board off JJoker of SpadesAAce of Diamonds77 of Spades. Having been the pre-flop aggressor you would expect a C-Bet on an Ace high flop. Nick checked it back and to the Turn, they went.

Having picked up a gutshot after the 99 of Clubs landed on the Turn, Carmen led out with a respectable bet of $3,000. With a gutshot of his own to go with his pair of Ten’s Vertucci made the call. Going to the River there was now $13,740 in the middle.

On the River was another Nine 99 of Diamonds knowing there was a strong chance her Eights might not be good, Carmen jammed the remainder of her $9k stack “All In”. Nick folded near instantly it would have been some call had he worked it out. This hand was a prime example of passiveness vs aggression. Had DQ bet the flop, you would have to feel he would have taken it down.

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