Nick Vertucci Get’s Revenge vs The Nitroll

Nick Vertucci Get’s Revenge vs The Nitroll

Nick Vertucci Get’s Revenge Vs Jairus on Thirsty Thursday

Check out this hand from an Thirsty Thursday stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 16th November 2023. The hand was played between Nick Vertucci & Jarius with the blinds being $10/$20/$40 + a $20 BB Ante.

The question when watching this hand is, just how many drinks did Jarius have on Thirsty Thursday? The action began with Nick ($8,420) in the +2 who raised it up to $300 with the ladies QQueen of DiamondsQQueen of Clubs this got a call from Andrew ($6,230) in the cut-off with KKing of HeartsJJoker of Spades. Next to act was Jarius ($7,070) on the button who had been dealt a monster, Pocket King’s! KKing of DiamondsKKing of Clubs. As you would expect, he threw in a 3-Bet, to $1,300. This got the rest of the table to fold, until the action was back on Vertucci. There was only one way he wanted to play his hand, and that was super aggressive. Nick 4-Bet it to $7,070 in essence putting Jairus all in.

Now this is where you would expect Jarius to make the easy call, however he thought about the hand for sometime. Around 90 seconds to be precise. Clearly baffled by the situation once Jarius had revealed his hand, Nick responded “Dude that’s a slowroll, how could that be real?” insinuating Jarius had intentionally slow-rolled. Our belief and the belief off the commentators at the time, was simply, Jarius was just giving Nick way to much credit, and eventually made the nitroll.

Both players agreed to run it twice, the pot stood at $14,610. Nick as he often does, elected not to show his hand. As we have previously mentioned this is perfectly within the rules.

“I have Jack’s”, “Do you?”

The flop came down 88 of SpadesQQueen of Hearts77 of Spades giving Nick a set of Queens!. At this point the question from the table was asked, “he may have Queen’s?” to which Vertucci savagely responds “I have Jacks” no doubt getting his own back for the nitroll. What made Nick’s story so convincing to the table was, Jarius asked “do you” to which Vertucci replied “yeah”.

The turn was the 55 of Spades and the river 55 of Diamonds which guaranteed Nick half of the pot.

The second board ran out 55 of Spades77 of Diamonds1010 of HeartsAAce of Diamonds66 of Spades. Just before Jarius could start counting the money, Nick turned over his hand and said “Nice Hand”. It took a few seconds to sink in, but when it did Jarius responded “You Bastard” “well you know, one good turn deserves another” said Nick.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out, and for the full reactions of the players.

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