Morris Dances With Danger During Maximum Pain Monday

Morris Dances With Danger During Maximum Pain Monday

Morris Dances with Danger Playing the Seven Deuce Game Vs Randy Pitchford

The seven Deuce game sure does spice up the action, for the second time that evening Morris feels the pain. Earlier on in the session, he was bluffed out of a hand by Ariel. Who was holding the worst starting hand in poker.

Let’s delve into this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream at Hustler Casino Live. The heroics of Randy Pitchford undid Morris. It was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on March 4th, 2024. The hand was played between Morris & Randy Pitchford with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

Ariel ($6,380) in the +2 kicked off the action by raising it up to $120 with JJoker of Spades22 of Spades. The raise was called by Randy ($10,270) in the cut-off who had been dealt KKing of DiamondsQ No doubt wanting vengeance for his earlier clash with Ariel, Morris ($13,880) chucked out a 3-bet to $620 with 77 of Diamonds22 of Clubs. Wanting no further part to play Ariel folded, however, Randy liked what he had been dealt and made the call. Going to the flop the pot stood at $1,440.

Just How Committed will Morris be with Seven-Deuce?

Out of position and perhaps out of luck after a flop off 1010 of SpadesAAce of Spades88 of Diamonds, if Morris is going to win the hand he is most likely going to have to bluff. And that is exactly what he tried with a lead-out bet of $900. Having picked up a gut shot and knowing King-queen could be ahead, Randy made the call.

Although he did not know it, the 99 of Diamonds was not a particularly good card for him. Randy would have the nuts if a Jack were to peel off on the river. If Morris were to hit a straight it would have to be a six on the board. like before Morris led into his opponent, the bet was a sizeable $2,000. This did not deter Randy he made the call and to the river they went with the pot standing tall at $7,240.

On the river was a blank 1010 of Diamonds. Bet sizing, bet sizing is key in poker. Although it is easy for us to judge by being able to see the cards, however, you feel Morris’ river bluff should be higher. When he fired out another bet of $2,000 he gave his opponent a price of five to one, A price Randy just could not turn down, what a pot, and it all came down to the $200 deuce-Seven game.

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