Middle Pair for Safia: No issue on Maximum Pain Monday

Middle Pair for Safia: No issue on Maximum Pain Monday

Middle Pair For Safia is No Problem Vs Big John on Hustler Casino Live

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 14th August 2023. The hand was played between Safia, & Big John, with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

The action began with Safia who raised it up to $140 from a $4,400 stack with JJoker of Diamonds88 of Diamonds.An incredible six players called behind, and they went to the flop seven handed with $1,000 in the middle.

The flop came down 88 of HeartsKKing of Hearts33 of Spadeswhich surprinsgly missed everyone except Safia who had flopped middle pair, and Big John, who was holding 55 of Hearts33 of Heartsfor a pair of three’s plus a flush draw. The action got checked all the way around to Big john who was last to act on the button, a smallish bet of $200 was put out. This got fold’s until it was Safia’s turn to act in the +1. She made the call, and San Man who was last to act laid down his air. Just two players went to the turn with $1,400 in the pot.

Big John Continues the Aggression

The turn was the 99 of Spades. Safia first to act checked it over. Once again John fired out another bet, again it was on the small side, just $500. Safia made the call, going to the river there was $2,400 oyut there.

The river revealed the 44 of Clubsa dead rubber for John, how will he play the river? Safia first to act, once again checked it over. Believing that his pair of three’s did not have enough showdown value, John fired a much larger bet this time around, $2000 was the bet Safia was facing. Safia didn’t want to be pushed around, so she made the call with her pair of eights. She received the good news and shipped the $6,400 pot. What a great call!.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.

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