Men Vs Women Battled it out at Poker At The Lodge

Men Vs Women Battled it out at Poker At The Lodge

Men Vs Women Battled it Out During Valentine’s Special Stream

It was a day late but better late then never as they say. Poker at the Lodge hosted a Valentine’s Day Special Men vs Women stream. The action took place on 15th February at Poker At the Lodge. The action was live-streamed on Poker At the Lodge’s YouTube channel with the blinds set at $5/$10.

At the conclusion of the stream, the individual winnings of each player were tallied, and these totals were combined with those of their teammates. The team with the highest cumulative winnings would be awarded a share of a $300 prize pool.

Another additional rule added was, each player had one “time out” chip that they could use in a heads-up pot. Once used the whole team would gather together and talk about the hand.

Let’s delve into this key hand where Caitlin & Cinnabon clashed heavily.

Ace-Queen is Good Enough for Cinnabon

the action began with Pokerface Ash raising it up to $215 from the cut-off with KKing of SpadesQQueen of Hearts, this created several players to fold. The action was now on Cinnabon ($3,835). who was the under-the-gun straddler. His play was to ship his stack in the middle having been dealt AAce of ClubsQQueen of Diamonds. His timing was ill timed however, in the +1 and also a straddler Caitlin woke up with pocket Kings KKing of HeartsKKing of Clubs. Her play was to also go “all in” and the rest of the table folded. The race was on between the two teams with Caitlin a 72% favorite to win the hand for the women’s team. The players agreed to run the $8,020 pot twice.

The first run out was a great one for Caitlin and the ladies when her Kings held up on a 55 of Clubs99 of Spades99 of Hearts,1010 of Clubs,88 of Diamonds board. The second board though went the way of Cinnabon and the men when the Ace in the window 66 of HeartsAAce of Spades77 of Spades managed to hold.

What could have been a big swing of money won for the Women was eventually chopped up, let’s take a look at the night’s overall results and see if this hand would have had any bearing.

Caitlin & Cinnabon run their hands twice
the pair ended up chopping up the pot

Stache was the Biggest Winner on the Night

After nearly five hours of play, Stache was the night’s biggest winner taking home $6,200. Hayley Hochstetler came in second with winnings of $5,265. The only other winning player on the night was Skull Mike who earned $1,885 for his evenings work. In case you hadn’t worked it out the Men were the clear winners, had Caitlin managed to win both runs however, the Ladies would have just edged it.

Overall Winnings

Check out the Pivotal hand plus the rest off the stream

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