Masato With a Huge River Bluff at Bally Live

Masato With a Huge River Bluff at Bally Live

Masato Yokosawa Shows No Fear with Daring River Bluff

Bally Live Poker seems to be on a bit of a hiatus with no live action in over two weeks. Luckily for us and their viewers, they have uploaded clips of recent hands played. Let’s delve into this hand that Involved YouTube sensation Masato Yokosawa. The clip was uploaded to Bally Live Poker’s YouTube channel on the 18th of May 2024.

After several folds, Casper ($10.7k) on the button Opened the action with a raise of $300 having been dealt 66 of Spades44 of Spades. In the small blind, Masato ($18.6k) had been dealt more than a respectful hand and opted to play his pocket Jacks JJoker of HeartsJJoker of Diamonds Aggressively. He 3-betted it to $1.5k, undeterred by the large bet Casper made the call and the pair went to the flop with $3.2k in the middle.

Casper Takes the Lead with Flopped Two Pair

the flop came down 1010 of Clubs44 of Clubs66 of Clubs giving Casper two pairs. First to act Masato led out with a bet of $1.4k. With three clubs out there and his two pair extremely vulnerable, Casper responded with a raise to $4.5k. Masato made the call and there was now $12.2k in the pot.

What a Turn JJoker of Clubs for Masato he had now taken the lead with a set of Jack’s, although neither player must have felt comfortable with 4 clubs now on the board. The turn went check, check.

Another Club KKing of Clubs landed on the River and the back and forth hand was now a chop pot, unless… someone was willing to fight for it.

And fight he did, perhaps a little aggrieved his set of Jacks did not upgrade to a full house, Yokosawa Led out with a mighty “all in” putting his opponent all in for his remaining $4.7k. What an ugly spot for Casper, who was faced with calling for best case scenario a chop pot. The bluff managed to get through, and the $12k pot went to the YouTube Star.

check out the video below to watch this hand and other Masato Yokosawa hands from the night’s action.

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