Largest Pot of the Night: Veteran’s Day At The Lodge

Largest Pot of the Night: Veteran’s Day At The Lodge

Poker at the lodge paid homage to the Veteran’s that are members of the club, by hosting a “Veteran’s Day Cash Game Special. “Thank you all for your service and sacrifice. Join us as we celebrate UNDER THE LIGHTS!”

Let’s take a look at the largest pot of the night that was live streamed on Poker At The Lodge’s Youtube channel on the 10th November 2023. the hand involved Mosquito Josh, MCPO Robert, & Bruno. The blinds were $5/$5.

The action began with Josh in the +2 who raised it up to $20 withQQueen of HeartsJJoker of Diamonds. In the High-Jack was Robert who had been dealt AAce of ClubsKKing of Spadeshe threw in a 3-Bet to $55, he was playing off a $1,530 stack. This got fold’s until it was Bruno’s turn to act on the button, he made the call with 88 of Hearts77 of Heartsfrom a $1,865 stack. The blinds folded, and the action was now back on Josh. He put out the extra $35 to hang around. Three players to the flop, with $175 in the middle.

Action Packed Flop Creates Largest Pot of the Night

The flop came down QQueen of HeartsJJoker of Diamondsgiving Robert top pair top kicker, Josh an up and down straight draw and Bruno a flush draw. Josh first to act checked it over to Robert, who bet out $105. Last to act was Bruno who raised it up to $375. Josh after careful consideration did lay down his weak draw. The action was now on Robert, who threw in a large 3-Bet to $945. Perhaps spurred on by the night coming to a close, Bruno shoved all in on the draw. Robert made the easy call.

The turn revealed the 1010 of Clubs and just like that Bruno was drawing dead, Robert scooped up the $3,145 pot.

Check out the video below to see how it played out.