Jennifer Tilly Chose the Wrong Time to bluff Vs Robl

Jennifer Tilly Chose the Wrong Time to bluff Vs Robl

Jennifer Tilly Chose The Wrong Time to Bluff Vs Andrew Robl on High Stakes Poker

Check out this hand between Jennifer Tilly & Andrew Robl from High Stakes Poker Season 11 which was streamed on Poker Go.

The Action began with Robl putting out a straddle of $800. Tjorko was next to act, he raised it up to $2,000 off a $71.8k stack with 99 of Spades99 of Hearts. This got folds, until Tilly who was in the small blind with KKing of Hearts77 of Hearts and a stack of $100k. She put in $1,800 to see the flop. The action was now back on the straddler Robl, who had been dealt 44 of Hearts44 of Clubs not a bad hand for being a straddler, he made the $1,200. Three players went to the flop with $6,900 in the pot.

Tilly’s over Aggression costs Her Dearly

The Flop came down QQueen of Hearts44 of Diamonds66 of Hearts giving Robl a set of fours, and Tilly a King high flush draw. First to act Tilly led out $3,000. Robl just flatted his set of four’s electing to slow play it. Tjorko made a sensible fold with his pocket nine’s. Going to the turn there was $12,900 in the middle.

The Turn revealed the JJoker of Spades and once again tilly led out, this time firing $7,000. Robl had had enough of slow playing his set, and raised it up to $23,000. Tilly chasing the Flush was going nowhere and she made the call. Going to the River there was a hefty $58,900 out there.

The River was the 22 of Clubs a card that changed absolutely nothing. In a desperate hope to get Robl to fold, Tilly put $35,000 further into the pot. A play that was never going to work. It just so happened that Robl had a monster and tilly’s timing couldn’t be any worse. Robl raised the pot putting Tilly all in, she of course wasted no time in mucking her hand.

You can see how the hand played out below from a video from Poker Go’s YouTube Channel.