Is Cupcake Really Contemplating Folding King’s Pre Flop?

Is Cupcake Really Contemplating Folding King’s Pre Flop?

Is Cupcake Going to Muck his King’s Pre Flop at Poker At The Lodge?

Last week we saw Jarius really going into the think tank before nit-rolling Nick Vertucci with pocket King’s. Let’s look back at Cupcake in a similar position, and see how he plays it.

The hand was played on the 20th August 2023 between Carlos “Cupcake” & BMG Joe at Poker At The Lodge. It was live streamed on their YouTube Channel. the blinds were set at $5/$10 + a $10 BB Ante.

The action began with DQ ($18,145) in the +2 who clearly wanted to play “The Robbi” JJoker of Clubs44 of Diamondsas he limped into the hand. Next to act was Joe ($15,750) in the High-Jack who raised it up to $125 with big slick AAce of ClubsKKing of Spades. Stache ($14,945) in the Cut-Off made the call with QQueen of Hearts44 of Hearts. Now the action was on Cupcake ($5,155) on the button who had woken up with pocket King’s KKing of HeartsKKing of Diamonds. He put out the expected 3-Bet, to $700. This got folds from the rest of the table until it was Joe’s turn to act again.

Surely Cupcake Is not Folding Pocket King’s?

It is worth noting at this stage the pot stood at $1,025 and Cupcake only had $4,455 behind. After asking the question “like 45 behind” (45 hundred) and some thought, Joe threw in a 4-Bet to $3,200. Straight away you could see the distress on Cupcakes face, was he really going to fold King’s here? The stack depths were just not deep enough here, for the action to dictate that Joe would only be holding ace’s, therefore Cupcake just has to go with his hand, if his opponent has Pocket Aces, it is just one of those things.

After around two and a half minutes, Cupcake mucked his hand. He had been guilty of just over thinking his hand and giving his opponent just way to much credit. Joe tabled his hand, at which point Cupcake muttered “Mother Fucker” asked whether he had Queen’s, he responded “I had pocket King’s” which left the table in shock. “I was pretty certain he had Pocket Ace’s” Carlos Added, “This game is to uncomfortable if your folding King’s” Muttered Cupcake.

No doubt this was a hand that Carlos did not forget in a hurry. To see it play out, and the table reactions, check out the video below.