Insane Overbet Bluff By Brian Green At Bally Live

Insane Overbet Bluff By Brian Green At Bally Live

Brian Green Applies Maximum Pressure Vs Tehan With Insane Overbet Bluff

Let’s take a look at this hand where Brian Green had Joe Tehan reaching for time chips after applying the heat on the river. The action took Place at Bally Live with this video clip uploaded to their YouTube channel on the 18th February 2024. The blinds were $100/$200.

After a couple of limps in front Brian Green ($67,400) got the action rolling when he raised it up to $600 from the big blind with KKing of SpadesQQueen of Hearts. The action was now on Joe Tehan ($57,300) who chucked out a 3-bet from the high-jack with the bullets AAce of DiamondsAAce of Clubs. Green called and the pair went heads up to the flop with $8,200 in the middle.

First to act on a 88 of Clubs88 of Hearts22 of Spades flop Green checked it over to his opponent, who responded with a smallish bet of $2,400. Enticed by the price Green floated the flop and to the turn they went.

Green Was Unwilling to let His Hand go

The turn revealed the 99 of Diamonds a card unlikely to change much. Once checked to Tehan bet again, this time with a bet of $3,600. Green unwilling to let go off his hand decided to make a play and raised it up to $11,000. Tehan wasted no time in making the call. Off to the river the pair went with the pot standing at a meaty $35,000.

On the river was the 55 of Hearts, Green knew his only chance to win the hand was to bluff, the question was, how much? “all in” was his play putting his opponent all in for his remaining $40,400. Knowing he could only beat a bluff Tehan went deep into the think tank. Using several time bank chips in the process. In the end he just could not fold and made the correct call allowing him to scoop the huge

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