Insane Cooler During Friday Night Poker Stream At Dusk Till Dawn

Insane Cooler During Friday Night Poker Stream At Dusk Till Dawn

Aces Vs Kings Involved in Insane Cooler

Losing on the river in poker is never a nice feeling. Imagine losing in the way Stato did during this Friday Night stream at UK-based casino Dusk Till Dawn. The action was live-streamed on Dusk Till Dawn’s YouTube Channel, on the 22nd of March 2024. With The Blinds being £10/£25/£50. Let’s dive into the hand.

First to open the action was Jonathon “Skalie” Kalmar (£4.7k) in the high-jack, who raised it up to £300 having been dealt the Cowboys KKing of HeartsKKing of Clubs. Next to join the pot was Stato (£5.6k) in the small blind, who looked down at pocket Aces AAce of SpadesAAce of Diamonds and chucked out a 3-bet to £1,000. Once the action was back on Skalie, his move was to jam “all in” for his remaining £3,700. Stato Snapped and was a huge favorite to win the £9.6k pot,

Going to the river the Aces were A Huge Favorite

Stato’s Aces were looking in great shape after a flop of 1010 of Diamonds33 of Diamonds66 of Clubs, after the 44 of Clubs Skalie was drawing to just two outs, and what do you know? what an insane river the KKing of Spades revealed its ugly head.

Check out the video below to watch the hand and the rest of the stream.

Make sure to have a look at our other Live-streamed games.