Hero Call From Andrew Neeme @ The Lodge

Hero Call From Andrew Neeme @ The Lodge

Andrew Neeme read this bluff like a pro in a $25/$25/$50 game on Poker At The Lodge.

The action limped to Alex in High-Jack with $36,550 in his stack and he open raised to $450 with J♥️9♥️. The Cut-Off folded and Andrew Neeme on The Button with $24,700 made a 3-bet of $1,500 with K♠️K♦️. All positions folded up to the High-Jack who called making it heads-up to the flop between Alex and Andrew.

The board flopped 5♥️3♥️8♠️ and put Alex on the flush draw while Andrew had an overpair. Alex checked it to Andrew who bet $1,600 which Alex called and they went to the turn with the pot at $6,600.

The A♣️ was flipped over on the turn and both players checked and another Ace came out on the river, unfortunately for Alex though, it wasn’t a heart and he had nothing but air. However, he decided to represent a strong hand when he went all-in at $33,450. After a 2+ minute tank, Andrew decided to call with top pair and second pair and successfully read Alex’s bluff.

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.

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