Has Eric Hicks Got the Balls to Call? Bally Live Poker

Has Eric Hicks Got the Balls to Call? Bally Live Poker

Will Eric Hicks Make The Call off his Life Vs Matt Berkey?

Hero calls, is there a better feeling in poker than making a gut-wrenching call? The jubilation of catching your opponent’s bluff can be as joyous as taking down a tournament. Will Hicks be able to make a sick hero call in this Cash game at Bally Live Poker? Let’s take a look at this clip that was uploaded to Bally Live Poker’s YouTube channel on the 24th of February.

The action began with Eric Hicks ($532,700) raising it up to $1,500 from the +1 with the Cowboys KKing of HeartsKKing of Clubs. After several players folded the action was now on Berkey ($89,650) the under-the-gun straddler. In a dicey mood, Berkey decided to pay homage to Robbi Jade Lew who was sitting to his right, by 3-betting it to $7,000 with the “Robbi” JJoker of Spades44 of Diamonds. Perhaps playing the hand a little cautiously or trying to trap post-flop? Eric Hicks just flatted the raise with his pocket Kings.

Will Hicks Continue to Slow-Play his Kings?

There was not even a sniff of potential for Berkey when the flop was dealt 55 of Clubs77 of HeartsQQueen of Diamonds, to make matters worse there was not even an Ace, a card that Hicks would have feared seeing. Continuing on from his pre-flop aggression Berkey led into his opponent with a bet of $7,000. Which was quickly snapped up. Going to the turn the pot was beginning to inflate standing tall at $28,500.

On the turn Berkey picked up some equity when the 44 of Spades landed, this slowed him down with the plan being to see a cheap river. Hick’s response to Berkey’s lack of interest was a sizeable bet of $15,000. This was not enough to scare Berkey away though, he made the call and going to the river the pot stood at a colossal $58,500.

Well, what a river AAce of Spades surely Hicks’ stomach dropped when the Ace of Spades was shown. This was a perfect card for Berkey to bluff at and he did just that by jamming “all in”. What a tough spot for Hicks due to the nature of how he played his Kings you could argue he brought it on himself. Is this one of those occasions that you just have to call given the way it played out? After a lot of debating he made the call and took down the huge $180,600. You could say the unconventional way of playing reaped full rewards on this occasion.

Check out the video below to see how the hand unfolded.