Full-House X2 For $571k In The Million Dollar Game

Full-House X2 For $571k In The Million Dollar Game

In this hand between Alan Keating and Brandon in The Million Dollar Game, Alan was behind after the flop with top two pairs but it all turned around after that and ended up being a battle of the full-houses.

After an $8k raise by Brandon in the High-Jack with J♠️J♦️ and $1.2m in his stack, all players aside from Alan Keating in Big Blind folded. Keating, with K♦️Q♠️ and $649k in his stack, made a 3-bet of $28k. Brandon called and they went heads-up to a flop.

A mind-blowing flop of Q♦️K♣️J♥️ hit the board, making it Keating’s top two against Brandon’s bottom set, Brandon at this point ahead. Keating made a bet of $20k which Brandon called and they went to the turn with the pot at $101k. 

Amazingly, The Q♣️ came on the turn, making a full-house for both players, although Keating with the stronger of the two. Keating with the option first threw in a bet of $55k. Brandon called and they went to the river which bricked. Before showdown, Keating bet another $180k which Brandon snap-called and had his boat sunk.

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below on our YouTube channel.