Francisco Gives Way to Much Credit to Michah on HCL

Francisco Gives Way to Much Credit to Michah on HCL

Francisco Gives Way to Much Credit on High Stakes Friday vs Micah

Check out this hand from an High Stakes Cash Game stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 17th November 2023. The hand was played between Michah, Francisco & Andrew with the blinds being $10/$20/$40 with a $20 BB Ante.

the action began with Nick Vertucci ($11,470)who limped into the pot with 88 of Diamonds77 of Spadesfrom the +2. Next to act was Francisco ($16,050) in the high-Jack who had been dealt pocket Jacks JJoker of HeartsJJoker of Diamonds. He threw in a large raise to $340, which got calls from both Andrew ($11,560) in the cut-off with AAce of Diamonds1010 of Hearts and Micah ($4670 in the third blind, who had also been dealt Ace-Ten AAce of Spades1010 of Diamonds. Three players went to the flop with $1,110 in the middle.

Dream Flop for Francisco

The flop came down 55 of Hearts1010 of Clubs77 of Diamondsa dream scenario for Francisco both of his opponents had flopped top pair with top kicker. First to act Micah checked, to which Fran put out a bet of $680. Both of his opponents made the call, and to the turn they went with the pot now standing at $3,150.

The turn was the QQueen of Heartsa card that neither player really liked, but a card that Fran really should have bet, to at least get some scope of where his Jack’s were at.

the River was the 66 of Diamonds a relatively safe looking one for Fran, Eight-Nine would have got there, but giving the large raise pre flop that is a little less likely to be in his opponent’s hands. This time first to act Micah led out with a large bet of $2,500 into the $3,150 pot. After a lot of thought, Francisco laid down his hand. To his horror Andrew made the call behind, and both players tabled Ace-Ten, Francisco had mucked the winning hand.

Check out the video below to see how it played out.