Four-Three, Or Pocket Ten’s? Graphics are Incorrect at TCH

Four-Three, Or Pocket Ten’s? Graphics are Incorrect at TCH

Boredom Leads Chris To OverPlay Four-Three?

It Appears Boredom can lead to success in Poker? or perhaps Chris had pocket tens? Let’s look at this hand that played out last night at Texas Card House Austin. The hand was Played between Chris & Manny with the blinds set at $2/$5. The action was live-streamed on Texas Card House’s YouTube channel on May 20th, 2024.

JWin ($8k) got things underway from the highjack with a raise to $50 holding JJoker of Clubs99 of Clubs. In position on the button, Tillman ($1.5k) joined in with mediocre holdings 66 of Hearts55 of Clubs. In the small blind was Chris ($658), who 3-betted the action to $200 with 44 of Clubs33 of Hearts or wait.. did he? Luckily for the viewers, it was pointed out that the on-screen graphics were incorrect. Chris did not have a moment of boredom, he did indeed have Pocket Tens.

The UTG straddler Manny ($1.5k) made the call with pocket threes 33 of Spades33 of Diamonds. The other players folded, and to the flop, they went heads-up with $335 in the middle.

Chris’ Mind was Made up

After a flop of AAce of Clubs44 of Spades88 of Spades neither player must have been comfortable seeing the ace onboard. First to act Chris checked it over to his opponent who bet out $225. With only $460 left behind, Chris’ mind was probably made up, he was going to commit regardless of the flop. He shipped in his remaining $460. Manny was uncomfortable, but with so much in the pot, the price was too good to refuse, he made the begrudging call. Both players elected to run the pot twice. But it was to no avail, Chris’ tens held and took down the $1,445 pot.

To see the technical glitch that had viewers scratching their heads at one point, watch the video below.

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