Flopped Flush Over Flush On Poker At the Lodge

Flopped Flush Over Flush On Poker At the Lodge

flopped Flush over Flush Who Comes Out on Top?

In this hand from a $5/$10/$10 game on Poker At The Lodge, on July 28th.

after straddling, Daniel hit the stone-cold nuts on the turn and won a massive pot relative to the stakes. 

After an UTG straddle, the +1 folded and the High-Jack raised to $75. This was called by the Cut-Off as well as Jake on the Button with 4♣️3♣️ and $19,105 in his stack.

Both The Small blind and Big Blind folded. When the action arrived at Daniel, the straddler, he 3-bet to $400 with $16,840 in his stack and Q♣️J♣️ in front of him. All remaining positions called which included Daniel UTG, the High-Jack, the Cut-Off, and Jake on the Button. Four ways to the flop they went with a $1,625 pot.

After 2♣️9♣️K♣️ was flopped, two players flopped a flush.

Daniel first to act sitting with what was most likely the nuts checked. “Bo” in the High-Jack threw in a $500 bet. The Cut-Off called and Jake came in with a re-raise to $3,200. Back to Daniel and he made the call while the High-Jack and Cut-Off folded, leaving it heads-up going to the turn with $9,025 in the middle.

Daniel completed his straight-flush after the 10♣️ was turned. Although the 10♣️ made Daniel a straight flush it made it harder for him to get paid with four cards to a flush on the board, realistically only the Ace of clubs could call a large bet. Both players checked.

On the river came another club! Daniel finally let off the brakes and went all-in at $13,265, to which Jake threw his cards over the line and Daniel scooped the $9,025 pot.

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.