Flashback Fridays: Hero Call at the Caribbean $100k FT 2018

Flashback Fridays: Hero Call at the Caribbean $100k FT 2018

Bryn Kenney is Put to the Test By Luca: PokerStars Caribbean Adventure $100k Ft 2018

With the New year quickly approaching let’s take a look back in the poker archives at a hand played at the start of the year in 2018. It took part at the Final Table of the $100k Super High Roller – PokerStars Caribbean Adventure. The hand was played between Ivan Luca & Bryn Kenney. With James Hartigan and Lex Veldhuis as commentators.

As always on these big final tables ICM factors heavily comes into a players thinking. Big stacks usually try to avoid each other. They can navigate easier spots against the smaller stacks who can not afford to get involved with mediocre holdings. So it was a surprise to see Luca & Bryn clash as heavily as they did. Especially considering there was five players left.

The payout’s were as follows:

  • 1st $1,492,340
  • 2nd $1,077,800
  • 3rd $686,960
  • 4th $521,140
  • 5th $402,700

Did Bryn Kenney Pick up on Live Tells?

Now we are only theorising here but I believe there to be considerable evidence to suggest that live tells may have been given off by Luca. Let me be clear, Ivan Luca is a highly decorated poker player with a WSOP bracelet to his name. However in the heat of battle even the best seasoned pro’s are not immune to the pressure that comes with high stakes poker. Let’s take a look at the hand in question.

The action began with Luca (4.08M) raising it up to 210,000 on the button with 1010 of Spades44 of Spades. In the big blind was Kenney (3.94M) who defended with pocket Fives 55 of Spades55 of Hearts. Re-raising with shorter stacks still left in the tournament would have been a riskier play. The pot Stood at 470,000 going to the flop.

The flop came down 77 of Clubs22 of Hearts77 of Spades a safe looking flop for Bryn had his Fives been good before they most likely still were. First to act Bryn checked it over to his opponent. Before announcing his bet of 140,000 Luca made the first of many gulps. A gulp is a known poker tell, In stressful situations, it often isn’t possible to control the lump in your throat, eventually you have to gulp. Gulps often occur after a player has made a big bet, the nerves on display are usually a sign they are bluffing and are anxiously hoping to not be called.

Ivan Luca looking nervous
Ivan Luca’s reaction after Bryn calls

Bryn has No Intention of Folding

Possible live poker tells aside, from a game theory point of view it is highly probable Luca would C-Bet the flop. Being aware of this, Bryn would call the flop regardless of any live tell he may have picked up. It’s worth noting after making the call Ivan does a micro shake of the head and looks away. A sign that he is not happy with the call from his opponent. Going to the turn the pot Stood at 750,000.

The turn brought the KKing of Hearts a card that Bryn no doubt was concerned about, but at the same time it is a card that his opponent would try to represent, therefore at a fair frequency Bryn has to call another bet. Just as before Kenney checked it over to Luca, this time the bet was 200,000 for Kenney to continue. What is surprising by Bryn’s call, is the speed at which he did it. It took him less time then the flop call, which in theory was an easier decision. Was this to assess his opponents reaction at being called so quick? A quick call can also try and prevent your opponents from firing out another bet on the river.

Ivan Luca’s Reaction’s are the Same on the Flop and River

Bryn checked it over on the river after the 33 of Spades was revealed. Just like he had done on the flop before betting, Luca took another deep gulp before putting out a bet of 425,000. So why was there no gulp from Luca on the turn?. Like I said earlier I am only theorising here but, I believe Luca saw the King as a card he could heavily try and represent. Giving the fact Bryn just flatted pre flop it was unlikely he had a big pocket pair or a big King. Bryn did indeed make the call looking confident in the process.

We will never know for sure if Bryn did factor in live tells into his thought process when making the call. What is known though even at the highest level of poker, the seasoned pro’s do show emotion at the tables giving hope to the most recreational of players.

Check out the video on PokerStars United Kingdom YouTube channel to judge for yourself.

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