Erika Continues her Lucky Streak Of Flopping Sets

Erika Continues her Lucky Streak Of Flopping Sets

Erika Continues to run Hot on the Flop

Erika once again continues to catch lucky sets on the flop. On her first outing she won the max vs DQ. Check out how it panned this time during a Thirsty Thursday stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 1st February 2024. The hand was played between Erika, Kennedy & Lucas with the blinds being $10/$20 + a $20 BB Ante.

After a raise and a couple of calls in front Kennedy ($5,000) in the +1 really pumped up the action when he 3-betted it to $750. The Cameras did not pick up on what he was dealt, at the end of the hand it was revealed he had KKing of SpadesKKing of Clubs. Lucas ($2,560) who was the initial raiser from the high-jack surprinsgly just called with AAce of SpadesKKing of Diamonds. Erika ($3,840) holding JJoker of SpadesJJoker of Diamonds was the only other player to make the call and to the flop they went three handed with the pot standing tall at $2,550.

Once Again Erika hits a Set

The flop came down J of Clubs22 of Spades33 of Diamonds giving Erika a set of Jacks, Kennedy had to feel confident with his King’s. First to act Erika played her hand in an unconventional way by leading out. On this occasion it did not matter as Kennedy was in a spot that he could not get away from. He raised it up to $1,500. Lucas made the very easy laydown and the action was now back on Erika. After taking a swig off her drink she excitedly made the call and to the turn they went with the pot at $5,550.

The 88 of Hearts showed it’s face on the turn which was met by an all in by Erika. this was snapped off By Kennedy although he looked like he was fearing the worst. “Nothing I can do” He said once his opponent’s hand was revealed. The players elected to run it just once with Erika scooping up the $9,010 pot on the 99 of Hearts River.