Driver Wins with the Same Hand When he Goes Runner-Runner

Driver Wins with the Same Hand When he Goes Runner-Runner

During a $5/$10/$10 game on Poker At The Lodge, we saw Driver go runner-runner for the nut-flush to scoop a massive pot off of JWin.

In hand 58, the action limped to Jason UTG+2 who raised to $175 with. Driver, in the High-Jack, called with J♣️10♠️ and $10,515 in his stack, while the Cut-Off player folded and the Button called. When the action went back around to the blinds, they both folded and Cinnabon, UTG, called. JWin, UTG+1 with J♠️10♦️ and $6,740 in his stack, also called and they went 5-ways to the flop.  

The board read J♦️2♣️10♣️, flopping top two pair for Driver and JWin. The action checked to Driver at HJ and he decided to bet $500, which triggered folds from the Button as well as UTG. Next up was JWin who raised to $1,500. This triggered the final fold of the hand from Jason at UTG+2 while Driver called and they went to the turn with the pot at $3,900. 


The turn came down 7♣️, putting Driver on the back door flush draw. Both players checked and they went to the river which completed Driver’s flush draw with A♣️. JWin checked and Driver decided to put in a $1,600 bet, which got JWin to lay down his cards and Driver grabbed the $5,500 pot. 

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.