Doug Polk The King Two Hands In A Row

Doug Polk The King Two Hands In A Row

During a $200/$400 cash game on Poker At The Lodge, Doug Polk and Hook went heads-up in some exciting hands – two of which happened back to back. It seemed like Doug Polk Had Hook’s Number.

Hand 1

In hand 11, the action limped around to Brad Owen on the Button who raised to $2,000 with A♠️ 5♥️. Next up was Doug Polk in the Small Blind who decided to call with 4♥️4♦️. Nick with A♦️10♥️ and Hook UTG with K♥️9♣️ also decided to call and they went to the flop with a pot of $8,400.

The board flopped 5♣️Q♥️K♦️, giving Brad bottom pair and Hook top pair. All four players checked and they went to the turn, still with the pot at $8,400. 

The 4♣️ came down, turning a set for Doug and putting him out in front. Doug Decided to check, as did Nick. When it was over to Hook, he decided to place a $4,000 bet. Brad folded and the action was back around at Doug. He raised to $14,000, after which Nick folded and Hook made the call but didn’t seem to enjoy doing so, and they went to the river with the pot sitting at $36,400.

The 9♦️ came out on the river, a live out in Hook’s mind, as it gave him top and middle pair. Doug went for it with a $26,000 bet and Hook called and they went to showdown with an $88,400 pot. 

Doug Polk Had Hook’s Number: Hand 2

In hand 12, the action limped around once again to the button, this time to Doug with Q♠️2♠️ and he raised to $4,000. Hook in Big Blind called with K♦️10♦️ as did Taras with 10♥️8♥️ in the straddle and they went to the flop with the pot at $13,400.

The board read J♥️K♣️10♣️, making top and bottom pair for Hook once again, and this time an open-ended straight draw for Doug. Hook and Taras checked and Doug bet $8,000. Hook called while Taras folded. They went heads-up to the turn with a pot of $29,400. 

A miraculous A♦️ on the turn completed Doug’s Broadway straight while also putting Hook on the nut flush draw. Hook decided just to check followed by a $14,000 bet from Doug. Hook snap-called, taking them to the river with a pot of $57,400.

A missed draw for Hook after 4♠️ came down on the river. He checked and Doug with the nuts, put a $28,000 bet on the table. Hook decided the second time to fold before showdown, although Doug still scooped a sizeable pot of $85,400.  So do you think Doug Polk Had Hook’s Number?

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.

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