Doug Bluffs KBM Out Of $137,000 Pot

Doug Bluffs KBM Out Of $137,000 Pot

Doug Bluffs KBM Out Of $137,000 Pot: In a $200/$400 game that became a $500/$1,000 on The Poker at the Lodge Live Stream during the relaunch series, Doug Polk successfully bluffed out KBM by firing on the river despite only having the pair that was in the flop versus KBM’s pocket 9’s.

In hand 230, KBM open raised to $5,500 with black pocket 9’s, triggering folds all around the table, despite Doug, who 3-bet $24,000. KBM called and sent them to the flop with a pot of $52,000, which came down A♥️ 10♥️ 10♠️ . 

Doug to act first bet $17,000 which KBM called. The turn came a J♠️ and both players checked. The river came down a 2♣️, killing Doug’s hopes for the back-door straight draw and now forcing him to commit to the bluff. He bet $51,000 which successfully got KBM to fold.

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.

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