Dancing in Deep Waters: Ariel Bluffs With Seven-Deuce

Dancing in Deep Waters: Ariel Bluffs With Seven-Deuce

Ariel Bluffs with Delight as her Seven Deuce Prevails

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream at Hustler Casino Live where Ariel was delighted with her bluff vs Morris. It was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on March 4th, 2024. The hand was played between Ariel & Morris with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

Stack sizes are crucial in poker, at times they should dictate how you play certain hands and scenarios, you could argue that Morris tried to be too cute with his hand here. If he had taken stack sizes into account the action in theory should have been all in pre-flop.

Seven Deuce? That will do Swimmingly for Ariel

The hand began with Ariel ($3,850) getting dicey with 77 of Hearts22 of Spades from the +2, she raised it up to $150. It’s worth pointing out that there was a $200 prop bet if a player won with Seven-Deuce. After several folds, Morris ($13,500) in the small blind chucked out a 3-bet to $500 having been dealt AAce of DiamondsKKing of Clubs. The rest of the blinds folded and the action was now back on Ariel. Fully determined to see her hand through she put out a 4-bet to $1,200.

In the pot was $1,780 with Ariel having just $2,800 left behind. There is a strong argument for Morris to play for the remainder of her stack here, however he just flatted. Off to the flop they went with $2,480 in the middle.

The flop 44 of Diamonds1010 of Spades66 of Hearts missed both players, more importantly, Morris had no part of it. Continuing on from her pre-flop aggression, Ariel led out with a bet of $830. fearing he was most likely up against a pocket pair, Morris had no intention of dancing with danger and laid his hand down. What a nice play by Ariel. and let’s not forget the $200 she won on top.

Click on the video below to see the hand and the rest of the stream.

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