Looking Back on a Crucial Isaac Haxton Hand: Triton 2018

Looking Back on a Crucial Isaac Haxton Hand: Triton 2018

Crucial Isaac Haxton Hand: On His way to 3rd Place at Triton in Budva Montenegro

What with Triton Monte Carlo being less then 24 hours away, Let’s look back on a crucial hand that Isaac Haxton was involved in, in the Triton HK$250k 6 Max NLH event that was played at the Maestral Resort & Casino in Budva, Montenegro. The hand helped Haxton on his way to a third place finish, cashing for HK$1,235,000, which at the time converted to $157,324 USD.

The Blind levels were 1200/2400 with a 400 ante. The table folded to Cheok Leng Cheong who was on the button. He raised it up to 5000 with 22 of Clubs22 of Hearts off a 34k stack (14.16 BB’s). In The Small Blind was Sontheimer who wasted no time jamming his K of HeartsQ of Clubs all in for 50,300 (21 BB’s). Haxton was now faced with the decision off what to do with AAce of HeartsJJoker of Hearts. Haxton’s stack size of 167k (70 BB’s) made it an easier choice to make, especially given the price he was getting. Haxton after a little thought and calculations did make the call. The action was now back on Cheong. Despite his small stack, he elected to muck his hand, not wanting to take the gamble with pocket deuces.

Heart Break for Cheong

The flop came down 22 of Diamonds88 of Diamonds55 of Hearts Haxton’s Ace high was still ahead, had Cheong hung around he would have flopped a set. The Turn produced the QQueen of Hearts and just like that, Sontheimer was a 75% favourite to win the Hand. Haxton needed one of the three remaining Aces or a Heart. To Sontheimer’s dismay the river revealed the 88 of Hearts cementing his exit. Haxton picked up the 47 BB pot, increasing his stack by over 24 BB’s.

Haxton would go on to finish third in the tournament, with the eventual winner being one of the Triton founders Richard Yong who defeated Steve O Dwyer Heads Up.

You can check out the hand and watch the rest of the action on Triton’s Plus website.

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