Crazy Drew Lives Up To His Name on Max Pain Monday

Crazy Drew Lives Up To His Name on Max Pain Monday

Check out the action from this hand on a Hustler Casino Live $10/$20/$40 + $20 MAX PAIN MONDAY game on September 19th. Crazy Drew lives up to his name against Dan.

After an UTG limp, Dan in +1 with $9,750 in his stack raised to $160 after peeling back Q♦️10♥️. The +2 called and to follow was Crazy Drew in the High-Jack with Q♠️5♠️ and $5,530 to play with. After calls from the Cut-Off and the Button, the Small Blind made a 3-bet to $720 when he woke up with Queens. This triggered folds from the Big Blind, the +2, and the Button. 5-ways to the flop it went with a $4,000 pot.

A flop of 8♦️K♦️3♦️ gave Dan the second nuts flush draw. Crazy Drew was pretty much dead with less than 1% equity. All players checked the flop, leaving the pot at $4,000 going to the turn. 

It was Dan’s day once again when the board turned another diamond, completing the second nut flush. The SB checked and the 3B threw in a $100 bet with a notably comical expression. Dan slow played his second nuts with a call and next up was Crazy Drew. Still with nothing but air, he went all in at $4,810. The commentators couldn’t believe it, Crazy Drew bluffing into 4 opponents with nothing. Folds followed from all positions barring Dan who called, making it a $13,720 pot going to the river with Dan way in front.

The river was the 10♠️ and needless to say, Dan scooped the massive pot. Drew really is Crazy, but he sure puts on a good show!

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.

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