Crazy Drew is a Non Believer vs Vertucci

Crazy Drew is a Non Believer vs Vertucci

Crazy Drew is a Non Believer During Max Pain Monday

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on 29th January 2024. The hand was played between DK, Nick Vertucci & Crazy Drew with the blinds being $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

The action began with a raise of $120 from Yennifer ($3,300) who had been dealt AAce of HeartsJJoker of Diamonds UTG. Vertucci ($11,590) in the +1 made the call with AAce of Clubs1010 of Spades. Crazy Drew ($26,870) in the cut off had been dealt QQueen of SpadesJJoker of Hearts and made the call. A further three players joined the hand. Lulu ( $2,510) on the button had small pocket connector’s 44 of Spades33 of Spades. Over in the small blind Dk ($5,210) had suited connector’s off his own 99 of Diamonds88 of Diamonds. Last to join the family pot was Shrimp ($8,140) in the third blind who looked down at AAce of Diamonds55 of Clubs. The pot stood at $760 going to the flop.

The flop came down 66 of HeartsKKing of DiamondsQQueen of Diamonds, surprisingly nobody had a King in their hand. Crazy Drew had flopped the best for a pair of Queens. Mean while DK had a diamond flush draw. Four players checked it over to Drew who fired out a bet of $300. Lulu folded her air, whilst DK played his flush draw passively by just calling. Shrimp made the call with Ace high, however he did have a backdoor flush draw. The action was now on Yennifer who called with her Ace high + a gutshot. Last to Act was Vertucci who also made the call with a gutshot. 5 Players remained with the pot now standing at $2,260.

The turn Is a Cruel one for Drew

What a turn card JJoker of Clubs. The Jack of Clubs had given Drew two pair, where as Vertucci was now sat there with the broadway straight. Having hit his hand Nick bet out $500 once checked to. Undeterred by Nick’s lead out bet, Crazy Drew upped the ante and raised it to $1,300. What a spot DK was now faced with. Although he was chasing a flush draw that was most likely live, he had to factor in what Nick would do once the action was back on him. DK did make the call and the action was enough to get the rest of the players left to act to fold. The action was now back on Nick who chucked out a 3-bet to $5,000. Drew made the call, DK however reluctantly folded. To the river they went with $13,560 in play.

The river was a safe looking one when the 77 of Clubs was revealed. First to act and with a stack off just $6,170 left Vertucci moved “all in”. Realistically Drew could only beat a bluff but that did not prevent him from snap calling allowing Nick to scoop the $25,900 pot.

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.