Cooler in The Million Dollar Game Nut Flush Vs Fullhouse

Cooler in The Million Dollar Game Nut Flush Vs Fullhouse

Check out this hand from The Million Dollar Game on Hustler Casino Live. We saw a classic cooler with two monster hands between Blank Check Ben and JRB.

The spreads were at $500/$1k + $2k BB Ante. After a limp from UTG and a fold from the High-Jack, JRB in the Cut-Off raised to $7k with K♥️4♥️ and $509k in his stack. Aussie Matt on the button then called and was followed by a fold from the Small Blind. Next up was Ben in the Big Blind with A♦️J♦️ and $770k in his stack who also decided to stick around and call. The UTG Limper folds, and they went to the flop three handed.

The flop came down 4♦️4♠️6♦️, putting JRB on trip 4’s and Ben on the nut-flush draw. Ben just checked it to JRB who made a bet of $11k which triggered a fold from Aussie Matt. Ben called and they went heads-up to the turn with the pot at $47.5k. 

The Killer Of Turns

A miraculous feat occurred when Ben hit the nut flush after the K♦️ was revealed as the turn card. However that also made JRB a full-house – a classic cooler!. Ben threw in a bet of $35k and JRB immediately raised to $115k. After some hesitation and a query into JRB’s stack size, Ben made the call and they went to the river with the pot at $278k.

The river card unbeknownst to both players was irrelevant. Ben checked the river, and JRB bet’s $225k with his Fullhouse into the $278k pot. After some thought Ben says “if you got it you got it” fearing a Fullhouse he then goes on to make the call.

JRB goes on to scoop the pot totalling $728k.

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below on our YouTube channel.