Bluff Of The Century? Balls off Steel From Texas Mike

Bluff Of The Century? Balls off Steel From Texas Mike

Bluff Of The Year? how about Century? Balls off Steel From Texas Mike

There’s committing to a hand, and then there’s Texas Mike’s commitment! Pure unadulterated balls of steel. No doubt he was paying homage to Doyle Brunson when he fully committed with Ten-Deuce off-suit. Brunson won the WSOP not once, but twice with Ten-Deuce offsuit, in 1976 & 1977 respectively.

The hand took place at Hustler Casino Live on day 2 Of the million-dollar game between Texas Mike and Charlie Hook, with the blinds being $500/$1,000. The action was live-streamed on Hustler Casino Live’s YouTube channel.

Hook ($797k) kicked the hand off with a sizeable raise to $6k from the +1 with suited connectors 88 of Clubs77 of Clubs. Handz ($1.169M) in the cut-off called with suited connectors off his own 1010 of Clubs99 of Clubs. Last to act the UTG Straddler Texas Mike called for an additional $4k while holding 1010 of Hearts22 of Spades. Three players to the Flop with $21.5k in the middle.

The flop came down 44 of Clubs55 of HeartsAAce of Spades Giving both Hook & Handz backdoor flushdraws with Hook having a gutshot. While Mike only had a gutshot. to the wheel. Second to act Hook bet out $5k, which was looked up by Texas Mike, and the pair went to the Turn with $31.5k in play.

Texas Mike had no intention of giving up Just Yet

Charlie hit the dream card when the 66 of Spades was revealed giving him an Eight-high straight. Having been checked to for a second time, Hook bet out once again. This time the bet had a lot more weight to it. $16k was the bet Mike was faced with. This did not phase him though, instead, he decided to turn his hand into a bluff and raised it to $52k. With the intention to trap his opponent on the River Hook just called.

Charlie Hook turns the nuts vs texas Mike with an Eight high straight
Charlie Hook turns the nuts vs Texas Mike

He Didn’t just? Did He?

After the AAce of Hearts landed on the river, Hook potentially no longer held the nuts. He would now be dead to Fullhouses. Mike checked it over for a third time, had he now given up on the hand? Believing his straight to be the best hand, Charlie once more bet for Value, with a huge $160k bet into the $136k pot. Now most players would just give up here, not Texas Mike though. He had the heart of a Lion as he raised it to $734k putting Charlie all in for his remaining $574k.

His Opponent was representing a Boat or was stone-cold bluffing. What a sick position for Charlie Hook to be faced with. Could his opponent really be capable of bluffing, when he had shown such strength on the river? After a little thought, he presumed he was beaten and made the fold. To make matters worse Texas Mike tabled his hand as he scooped the pot.

Check out the video below to watch the hand play out.