Blank Check Ben’s Bluff Confuses Stanley Tang

Blank Check Ben’s Bluff Confuses Stanley Tang

In this hand between Blank Check Ben and Stanley Tang on The Million Dollar Game on Hustler Casino Live, Ben threw Stanley off his game with a 2x pot-sized bluff bet.

The spreads were at $500/$1k + $2k BB Ante. Ben open-raised the pot to $4k in the High-Jack with $1.2m in his stack and 9♥️4♥️ in hand. This was called by Stanley in the Cut-Off with K♠️9♠️ and $1m in his stack. The Button folded and both blinds called, making it four to the flop.

The board flopped J♥️K♣️A♥️, giving Stanley middle pair, and a flush draw for Ben. Both blinds checked and Ben threw in a $7k bet which was called by Stanley both the players in the blinds folded.

Ben and Stanley went heads-up to the turn with the pot at $32k.

The turn bricked followed by checks from both players and it was time to see a river card. Yet another brick on the board. Ben fired a bluff bet of $63k, with nothing but air. This visibly confused Stanley and resulted in him folding his hand for Ben to win holding just 9 high versus Stanley’s second pair. 

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.