Blank Check Ben Went On Full Tilt @ The Million Dollar Game

Blank Check Ben Went On Full Tilt @ The Million Dollar Game

During this hand on The Million Dollar Game on Hustler Casino Live, Blank Check Ben went on full tilt and felted Charles for close to half a million dollars.

After an UTG open-raise to $3k, there was a call from the High-Jack and a fold from the Cut-Off. Next up was Ben on the Button with A♦️3♦️. With $480k in his stack, he decided to make a 3-bet of $14k, to chase the nut-flush. When the action arrived at the Blinds, the BB folded and Charles in the SB with A♥️J♦️ and $238k in his stack, made a 4-bet of of $50k.

This resulted in folds from UTG and HJ, leaving it heads-up between Ben and Charles. “I’m supposed to fold here but I’m so tilted” he uttered just before he made the call.

With $109k in the pot, they went to the flop and saw 7♣️9♦️8♦️. A nut flush draw for Ben, and a gutter straight draw for Charles who immediately went All-in. Ben called and they agreed to run it twice from the turn for the $487k pot.

The first turn came and it was the 6♦️, completing the nut-flush for Ben, it was time for the second run. The turn paired the board with the 7♥️, meaning it would’ve been split up if the river were to brick. Between the four out cards Charles needed, one of them completed Ben’s nut-flush once again, and that’s exactly what happened. On the second river we saw the 10♦️, and Ben added nearly half a million dollars to his stack.

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below on our YouTube channel.