Biggest Pot Of The Night, Aces & Kings in the Mix

Biggest Pot Of The Night, Aces & Kings in the Mix

Will Vertucci’s Pocket Nines Trump both Aces & Kings?

Check out this hand from a Maximum Pain Monday stream at Hustler Casino Live where Aces & Kings tangle with Pocket Nines. It was live-streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on May 13th, 2024. The hand was played between Nick Vertucci, Patrick, & Fast Eddie. With the blinds set at $10/20/40 with a $20 BB Ante.

Having a short stack can have disadvantages, and this hand is a prime example. The action began with Nick ($20,010) raising it to $200 from UTG with pocket Nines 99 of Spades99 of Diamonds. In the high-jack was Patrick ($22,740) who unbeknown to him was the Prey and not the Predator. He set what he thought would be a trap by flatting the raise with Pocket Kings KKing of SpadesKKing of Diamonds. “AK Plus” ($23,360) in the small blind made the call with 55 of Spades33 of Spades. Last to act in the third blind Was Fast Eddie ($2,420), who had woken up with the dream, Pocket Aces! AAce of HeartsAAce of Clubs.

Eddie chucked out a 3-bet to $1,100 with the pocket rockets, Vertucci made the call and the action was now back on Patrick. The time for slow-playing was now over, he 4-betted the action to $5,000. AK Plus Folded, with just $1,360 left behind, Eddie made the call. Nick known for playing a relatively tight game, made the call, and off to the flop he went with Patrick, Fast Eddie with no chips left had to watch the rest of the hand as a spectator.

Nein For Patrick, and Nine for Vertucci!

What a Flop 99 of Clubs77 of Diamonds1010 of Spades for Nick! he had picked up a set of Nine’s. First to act Nick checked over to his opponent, who bet $4,000 into the $12,700 pot. Vertucci continued to slow-play his set and made the call.

The Turn was about as dry as it can get when the 22 of Hearts was revealed, having been checked to for a second time, Patrick moved “all in” for his remaining $13,740. Nick Snapped off the bet and was a huge favorite to scoop the $42,720 pot. With a player all-in, they could not run the pot more than once. There was no lucky river for either Fast Eddie or Patrick and Nick Scooped the monster pot. If only Fast Eddie had more chips in-front to begin with, you have to feel the hand would have played out totally differently.

Check out the video below to see the hand, and to watch the rest of the stream.