Biggest Pot of Day 1: The Million Dollar Game @ Hustler Casino Live

Biggest Pot of Day 1: The Million Dollar Game @ Hustler Casino Live

In this action-packed hand between Blank Check Ben and Tony G, we saw the biggest hand of Day 1 of The Million Dollar Game on Hustler Casino Live.

The action limped to the High-Jack who put in a bet of $3k. After a fold from the Cut-Off, the action was at Tony G on the button with Q♠️J♣️ and $1.3m in his stack. He made the call and next up was Ben in the Small Blind with Q♠️J♥️ and $542k in his stack. He called and was followed by one more caller in the Big Blind and they went four ways to the flop.

The board flopped 2♠️9♣️4♥️ and at this point, the Big Blind had the best hand with middle pair and top kicker. The action checked all around the table and they went immediately to the turn. 

The 10♦️ was seen on the turn, making an open-ended straight draw for both Ben and Tony G. The Big Blind decided to throw in a bet of $10k which triggered a fold in High-Jack. Tony G and Ben both called and they went three ways to the river with the pot at $44k.

Both Ben and Tony G completed their straights and had the stone-cold nuts when the board rivered the K♣️. Ben decided to bet $35k which caused the Big Blind to fold. Next, Tony G decided to raise to $135k, but that wasn’t enough for Ben and he made a 3-bet of $335k. Tony then went all in for Ben’s effective stack which brought the pot up to $1,1m. Ben of course called and they chopped it up. 

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below on our YouTube channel.