Lex O Plays at The Lodge Vlog #18

Lex O Plays at The Lodge Vlog #18

Lex O Plays at The Lodge: In this poker hand review, Lex O, a YouTube poker vlogger, takes us through a game he played on Poker at The Lodge in Austin Texas. The game was a $1/2 no limit and took place on April 2, 2023. In the first hand, he was dealt pocket 4s and managed to win $60 after a 4 came up on the river. 

He played a pair of deuces and a 7 of clubs and his opponent ended up folding. In the second hand, he was dealt Ace queen of hearts and decided to go all-in, his opponent ended up folding as well. On the third hand, he got an Ace of hearts and 6 of clubs, raised $112 and ended up winning the pot with a flush on the top board. Unfortunately, he lost to a full house on the bottom board and had to split the money.

In the last hand, he was dealt pocket 85 and ended up winning with a full house after a pocket Jacks on the flop and an 8 of spades on the river. Overall he won $1,380 in the 2 hours that he played.  Despite his success, he mentioned that he has only won $58,000 playing cash games over the course of 50 days.


Lex O Plays at The Lodge Conclusion


Overall, while Lex O managed to win some pots during the game, his opponents were not giving him an easy time. He had to work hard to win each hand and even had to split a pot. However, he persevered and ended up with a decent win at the end of the day.