Andrew Neeme Looks For A Bluff

Andrew Neeme Looks For A Bluff

In hand 27 of a $50/$100/$100 game on Poker At The Lodge, Andrew Neeme lost a third of his stack with middle pair trying to figure out if Johnnie Vibes was bluffing. 

There were folds from all players aside from Johnnie Vibes UTG and Andrew Neeme in Big Blind who the action limped to and he raised to $700 with Q♣️9♦️ and $31,450 in his stack. Johnnie, with $28,100 in his stack, made the call with K♦️10♦️ and they went heads-up to the flop.

The board flopped Q♠️K♣️8♥️, making top pair for Johnnie and middle pair for Andrew, while also opening up the backdoor straights for both of them. Andrew decided just to check it back followed by a $600 bet from Johnnie. Andrew called it and they went to the turn.

A brick on the board when the 2♠️ was turned and once again Andrew just checked and Johnnie made the bet. This time it was $3,000, which Andrew called and they went to the river with the pot at $8,750.

Andrew Neeme Looks For A Bluff: The River

A dead draw for Andrew came on the river leaving Johnnie ahead still with top pair. Once again he checked it to Johnnie who put in a $5,500 bet. Andrew called and they went to showdown where Johnnie scooped the $19,750 pot.

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below.

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