All in First Hand? High Stakes Wednesday HCL

All in First Hand? High Stakes Wednesday HCL

Gaston is All in First hand During High Stakes Wednesday

Gaston’s intentions were clear from the very first hand off this High Stakes Cash Game stream on Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 24th January 2024. The hand was played between two new players Gaston & Eric with the blinds being $50/$100 + $100 BB Ante.

The action began with Will Park ($28,000) raising it up to $300 from UTG with AAce of Diamonds77 of Spades. The bet was called by Gaston ($20,000) in the high jack with pocket sixes 66 of Spades66 of Diamonds. In the small blind was Eric ($30,000) who had been dealt pocket Jack’s JJoker of DiamondsJJoker of Clubs. He chucked out a 3-bet to $1,500 which was enough to get the rest of the table to fold and the action was now back on Gaston. After zero thought he grabbed his entire stack and shoved it in the middle “all in”. Just like his opponent Eric did not ponder on the decision calling near instantly. And just like that the first hand of the night had $40,550 in the middle. Both the players elected to run it twice.

The first board was a non eventful 55 of Diamonds1010 of Hearts55 of HeartsKKing of Hearts44 of Spades guaranteeing Eric half of the pot.

Although Gaston hit a straight on the second board 33 of Spades77 of Clubs99 of Diamonds1010 of Spades88 of Diamonds it was to no avail, Eric had the high end straight with Seven to Jack.

What a first hand of the night, to see how the hand played out check out the video below.

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