Adelstein Involved in Huge $200k High Stakes pot vs Han

Adelstein Involved in Huge $200k High Stakes pot vs Han

Adelstein Involved in Huge WPT Super High Stakes Pot Vs Han

Let’s take a look at Adelstein’s first hand of the night in the $300/$600 World Poker Tour cash game Stream (WPT). It was live streamed on their YouTube and Twitch channels on December 16th 2023. The hand was played between Garrett Adelstein and Han.

The action began with Sosia ($103k) raising it up to $1,500 from UTG with KKing of Clubs55 of Clubs. This was met by a call from Han ($100k) in the High-Jack who had been dealt QQueen of Spades1010 of Spades. Next to act Was Adelstein ($555k), what a time to wake up with the bullet’s AAce of HeartsAAce of Spades on the button. Garrett threw in a 3-Bet to $7,000 which got the rest of the table to fold, except for Han who put out a further $5,500 to see the flop. The players went heads up to the flop with the pot standing at $17,000.

Adelstein Sneakily Checks Back

The flop came down QQueen of ClubsA99 of Hearts giving Garett top set, Han had picked up middle pair. First to act Han checked it over to G-man who sneakily checked it back.

The turn put another diamond on the board when the 77 of Diamonds hit. Han once again checked it over to Garrett. This time he had no intention of continuing to slow play his top set, $8,000 was the bet. The call was made and to the river they went with the pot now standing at $33,000.

The river was a cruel one for Han the QQueen of Diamonds gave him trip Queen’s. This time there was no check, Han led out $14,000. Adelstein was no doubt licking his lips in delight hoping his opponent had a hand strong enough to call. $200,000 was the re-raise amount, more then covering Han’s stack. After a lot of thought, Han believed his known tricky opponent had enough bluffs in this spot and made the call. What a pot to scoop for Garett, this was only the 2nd hand of the night.

Check out the video below to see how it played out.

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