ACR Team Pro Betondrew Arrives As Pikadrew

ACR Team Pro Betondrew Arrives As Pikadrew

A Wild Pikadrew Arrives at Poker At The Lodge

ACR Team Pro Drew “Betondrew” Gonzales made his Poker At The Lodge debut last night. As always the showman did not disappoint with his attire. Drew has been known for dressing rather dapper during his participation at Recent Triton events. This time around, he dressed up as the friendly Pikachu for his outing at The Lodge.

Let’s look at the biggest pot of the night that went Gonzales’ way. The action was live-streamed on Poker At the Lodge’s YouTube Channel on the 17th of May 2024, with the blinds at $5/$10.

After seeing a $25 straddle from Under The Gun, Pikadrew ($2.3k) in the high-jack raised it up to $100 with KKing of ClubsJJoker of Clubs. After several folds, Trey ($1.7k) in the Big blind made the call with 1010 of Hearts33 of Hearts, as did Always Rollin the UTG limper, with KKing of Diamonds1010 of Spades. Three players went to the flop, with $340 in the middle.

Drew the Aggressor Pre flop had by far the best of the board after a flop of KKing of HeartsAAce of ClubsJJoker of Spades. he had picked up two pair, whereas “Rollin” had a pair of kings + a gutshot for Broadway. Trey had a gutshot of his own, + a backdoor flush draw. The action was checked around to Drew, who put out a bet of $125, both of his opponents called, and off to the turn they went. the pot now stood at $715.

Pikadrew finds a full house

With the JJoker of Hearts. on the turn Drew had now improved into a Full-House with both of his opponents drawing dead. Having been checked to for a second time, Drew continued to bet his hand. The bet was an enticing one, $210 was the asking price. With what he believed to be a semi-bluff, Trey raised the bet to $1,500. Little did he know he was drawing dead.

“Always Rollin” found the easy fold, Gonzales then put his opponent all in for his remaining $70. The river was irrelevant, and the $3,855 pot went to Pikadrew.

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