$931k Pot on Day 2: The Million Dollar Game

$931k Pot on Day 2: The Million Dollar Game

$931k Pot Between Prince Charles & Huss on Day 2: The Million Dollar Game

Check out this hand from Day 2 of the Million Dollar Game stream  Hustler Casino Live. It was live streamed on Hustler Casino’s YouTube channel on the 26th May 2023. The hand was played between Prince Charles, Huss, & Rob Yong with the blinds being $500/$1,000/$2,000 + a $2k BB Ante.

The action began with Ben who limped into the hand from Under-The-Gun with 66 of Hearts66 of Diamonds. Next to act was Rob in the +1 who raised it up to $7,000 with QQueen of HeartsJJoker of Spades. This got folds from a couple of players, until it was Charles turn to act on the button. He made the call with KKing of SpadesJJoker of Diamonds. JRB made the call in the small blind with 88 of Spades88 of Diamonds, Huss in the third blind also made the call with 1010 of Clubs99 of Clubs. Ben who had limped into the hand, also made the call. Five players went to the flop, with a hefty $38k in the middle.

The flop came down 22 of Clubs1010 of Hearts99 of Diamondsgiving Huss top two, Rob and open ender, and Charles a gutter. The hand was checked to Rob, who then bet out $17k, just shy of half the pot. Charles made the call with his Gutter and two over cards. The action was now on Huss, who threw in a significant raise to $76k. Rob made the call, as did Charles. Going to the turn there was $266k in the pot.

Charles Over Commits

The turn was an action packed card the JJoker of Heartsgiving both Rob and Charles top pair to go with their straight draws. Huss had no intention of slowing down although it was visible he was not overly keen on the turn. He put out a large bet of $175k. At this stage, it’s worth noting that Huss only had $182k behind and was considerably committed to the hand. After a lot of deliberation Rob did lay his hand down, Charles however jammed all in for his remaining $333k. Huss made the call, and just like that there was close to a million on the table as the pot stood at a mouth watering $931k. Both players elected to run it twice.

The first river revealed the 33 of Clubsguaranteeing Huss half of the pot. The second river runout was the 55 of Spadesthe poker Gods had shone down on Huss as he scooped the huge $931k pot!

Check out the video below to see how the hand played out.