$826k Pot For Rob Yong In The Million Dollar Game

$826k Pot For Rob Yong In The Million Dollar Game

In this hand between Jean-Robert Bellande and Rob Yong on day 1 of The Million Dollar buy-in game on Hustler Casino Live, we saw the tables turn on the river card after JRB looked certain to win a massive pot.

UTG +1 open raised to $2k and the action arrived at JRB in +2 with $1.3 million in his stack. With 6♦️6♣️, he decided to make a 3-bet of $10k which was called by the High-Jack and the Cut-Off. Next up was Rob Yong on the button who had A♣️K♣️. With $927k in his stack, he put in a 4-bet of $70k. This was followed by folds from the blinds as well as UTG+1. The action then arrived back at JRB with $60k to call. After tanking for a short while, he put in a 5-bet of $200k which triggered folds from the High-Jack and the Cut-Off, leaving only Rob Yong on the button to call $130k. He made the call and they went heads-up to the river with the pot at $426k.

After J♣️9♦️8♠️ came on the flop, JRB checked it back to Rob who did the same and they went straight to the turn.

The 8♥️ came out on the turn. A pair on the board opened up a few outs for Rob but once again both players decided they were happy to let the other see the next card for free. 

A dream river card for Rob catapulted him to the front with top-pair when the A♦️ hit the board. JRB put in a $200k bet and Rob snap-called, making it an $826k pot scooped by Rob Yong.

To see the full action of the hand and how it was analyzed in real-time, see the video below or visit our YouTube channel.

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