2023 WSOP $25k Heads-Up – Can Doug Polk Make It To The Final Table?

2023 WSOP $25k Heads-Up – Can Doug Polk Make It To The Final Table?

In this hand from the $25k Heads-Up Championship at the 2023 WSOP, Doug Polk and Chris Brewer we’re fighting to make it to the final table. After some big pot pre-flop action, we saw fireworks erupt on the river.

Brewer limped into the pot for 20k with K♠️K♥️ and Doug, on the Button, raised to 45,000 with Q♠️Q♥️. Knowing he’d only be to behind aces. Brewer fired a 3-bet to 180k, to which Doug responded with a 4-bet of 490k! Before the flop and barely a minute into the hand, we saw Chris make a 5-bet of All-in for Doug’s effective stack of 1.85m. With 4,680,000 chips in the pot and Brewer left with only six Big Blinds, it was all on the line!

They went to the flop and saw 6♠️8♥️5♣️, at which point Doug shouted for a 7?! in the hope to have straight chop outs going to the river. Nevertheless, no 7 on the turn, but it was no more than a brick. Brewer looked good to come out on top at showdown, until the river was revealed and it was a Queen! 

Doug unleashed an enormous celebration that consisted of two victory laps and a drop to the floor! Hard luck to Chris Brewer, congratulations to Doug Polk. Thanks to both for putting on some excellent poker for us to watch.

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